to the Registration Portal for the Admission Tests
of Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
This portal allows users to register for the admission tests to the following Single Cycle Master’s Degree Programmes, based on the activation dates provided for each call for admission
Medicina e Chirurgia (course taught in Italian)
Medicine and Surgery (course taught in English)
Medicine and Surgery “MedTech” (course taught in English)
Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (course taught in Italian)
The registration to the procedure requires:
registration on the portal and creation of credentials (username and password), please click the button “SIGN IN”;
registration-confirmation (step 1) through the link that the candidate receives by email;
accessing to the portal with the candidate’s credentials and filling in the application form;
online payment of the registration fee for the admission test, by credit card (following the guided procedure);
receipt of the e-mail confirming payment and registration for the test.
Candidates must select their own citizenship during registration and will be automatically redirected to the dedicated registration platforms for:
European citizens and equivalent
non-EU citizens not resident in italy
Admission to the Master’s Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery and to the Master’s Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery-“MedTech”
requires the knowledge of English, at least B2 level of CEFR attested by one of the language certifications listed
in the call for admission
Candidates in possession of one of the language certifications listed in the call for admission, must attach the certification in the appropriate field of the online registration platform (menu item entitled "language certification") before paying the registration fee.
If you do not upload the required language certification in the appropriate field of the online test registration platform before paying the registration fee, you are allowed to take the test,
but you have to submit your language certification in
accordance with the deadline and the modalities stated in the call for admission.
If you provide a different language certification than the ones required according to the
call for admission or if you do not provide any language certification,
within the terms and in the modalities stated by the call for admission,
you will not be allowed to proceed with the enrolment PHASE-II,
and you will not be contacted in case of merit ranking scrolling.